Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Welcome to Café Le Coffee_"In Search Of The Holy Grail: The Perfect Cup Of Coffee"

This will be our Coffee Chat Room with resources to every variety of coffee we can find anywhere in the world. It will be designed to simple relax in and peruse to satisfy your interest or find something new to try.

There will be avenues to find coffee bean selections you may never have heard of before and links to find things on the web with ease.

There will be news of special events and special coffee house in the US, as well as equipment, bean selection, blending and brewing discussions.

If you love coffee come on in.

If you consider yourself a Coffee Aficionado, and your friends call you a Coffee Gourmet to your face and a Coffee Snob behind your back; you belong here, and pay them no mind; you're not hurting anyone and you're having fun and enjoying a better cup of Coffee than they are.

Take it as a compliment. I do, and did you ever notice they never turn down a cup you offer them?

Sit back; pour a cup and relax here in The Café Le Coffee.

To facilitate navigation in the Café links to new posts will be added below:

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